VTV Go is the official online television station of Vietnam Television developed by the Center for Digital Content Production and Business (VTV Digital)

VTV Go is the official online television station of Vietnam Television developed by the Center for Digital Content Production and Business (VTV Digital). Millions of domestic and abroad viewers can access and watch live, watch all TV shows and experience the largest proprietary video store in Vietnam from a variety of areas such as culture, politics, economics, entertainment, sports, movies,... on more than 40 mainstream television channels.


Every day, VTV Go attracts a huge number of domestic and abroad visitors. Oversea Vietnamese will be limited to updating their country news from the radio to choose to visit VTV Go to not miss any information. This traffic is also higher during peak hours.

On special occasions, VTV Go will broadcast live events. Many users will choose the broadcast channel which is prestigious as VTV to see. Typically, during the 2018 World Cup, there are 11.3 million hits to view live streams and update match news. With events that need to be streamed as fast as sports matches, delays will not be allowed. However, when the number of visitors is too large, the status of lag will often reduce the quality of content transmission and seriously affect the experience of the end user. Not only that, the internet speed will vary among different users. If there is no reasonable conversion will cause disadvantage for the number of customers with no internet connection is good.

VTV is a broadcasting agency for exclusive news, so in addition to ensuring the speed of content transmission quickly, VTV is also interested in protecting its proprietary news when released. Unprotected, the special content is live stream on VTV Go will be the bad guys steal and profiteer. The current state of livestream piracy is still rampant on social networks that make content owners unhappy. Meanwhile, dealing with live-stream online piracy is considered very difficult.


In order to meet the needs of live-stream with the lowest latency, VNETWORK has provided VTV with LSDN solution - live-stream with extremely low latency, less than 3s. To do this, LSDN uses the RTMP protocol (Real Time Messaging Protocol) to stream live streams to help viewers capture the fastest moments with high quality. This protocol also allows long-term data transmission, which is suitable for long-term content such as movies, videos and sports matches that VTV provides.

DRM (Digital Right Management) is one of the outstanding solutions against copyright Infringement. Illegal proprietary product distribution content appears to be very difficult to control. However, with DRM, VTV Go can effectively limit the risk of bad guys attempting to copy proprietary content and use illegal copies. Users will not be able to download videos and will not be able to share links on DRTV protected VTV Go.

For users using different devices with different internet connection, Transcoding will help encode and convert video to various formats like 720p, 1080p, 480p. Not only are the videos that have been uploaded to the website but also the live streams are streamed by Transcoding directly without waiting for the end. This is very convenient and helps to improve the user experience of the live stream.


LSDN helps ensure the transmission of audio and video when live stream occurs at the same time. The live-stream video on VTV Go's website is no longer jerky, distorted and live streams still run smoothly at fast speed. To ensure live-stream capability with extremely low latency of less than 3 seconds and the ability to customize the video format, many visitors have chosen the vtvgo.vn website as their destination every time they want to watch live stream streams. big sport. Along with the position available in the field of communication, VTV easily conquered and entered the hearts of the people when providing them with the best experience.

Possessing a huge video store such as VTV, the expansion and upgrading of infrastructure will cost a lot if the optimum solution is not chosen. The network infrastructure solutions provided by VNETWORK to VTV not only help reduce bandwidth and resources on the original server, but also optimize the initial investment costs, helping VTV maintain its stability. website and ready to meet the entertainment needs of tens of millions of visitors per day.

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