
Anti DDoS VPS, instructions on how to fight DDoS for VPS

Latest Update: 12/10/2023

Anti DDoS VPS, instructions on how to fight DDoS for VPS

Currently, virtual servers (VPS) are widely and widely used in businesses, notable organizations such as VPS, VieOn, Tiki, Sendo, Yeah1, FPT Play, NCT… DDoS VPS causes overcrowding. load, bandwidth congestion, or server inaccessibility leads to great losses for businesses. Anti DDoS VPS solution will help your business overcome the above situations. Join VNETWORK to learn how to implement effective Anti-DDoS VPS solutions for businesses.

Anti DDoS?

Anti DDoS (Anti Distributed Denial of Server) is an anti-distributed denial-of-service attack that prevents server system resource degradation when receiving sudden heavy traffic. The attacks cause bandwidth congestion, interrupt access, and cripple servers for some time, resulting in users not being able to connect to the server, causing heavy losses for businesses.

How to DDoS VPS

Since VPS has a small number of resources, DDoS and VPS attacks are easier to perform. Hackers will attack by sending a series of hits, causing a sudden increase in traffic, causing bandwidth shortages, leading to congestion or attacks from competitors’ malware.

Types of DDoS attacks on VPS such as:

  • Volume-based: uses high traffic to flood the network bandwidth.
  • Protocol: focus on exploiting server resources.
  • Application: focuses on web applications and is considered the most sophisticated and severe type of attack.

Usual anti- DDoS way

Layer 7 (network layer) is the most targeted because network service providers (ISPs) currently only support users against Layer 3 and Layer 4 DDoS protection. Hackers will target this weakness and create attack targets. makes the business protection layer not guaranteed.

Enterprises can fight against basic DDoS such as:

  • Anti-iframe (iframe) for anti- DDoS :

An attacker will take a website with a lot of traffic to insert iframes on your website and run commands that cause security risks and inject malicious code.

To solve this type of attack, you need to insert a piece of Javascript from other websites to your website as follows:

<script language=”JavaScript”>

if ( top.location != self.location )

{ top.location = self.location }


  • Prevent malicious web page reloads:

Another form of attack is that hackers will use a page reload command or use software with similar uses to cause continuous reloading of your website. This type of attack consumes bandwidth and slows down the website because of these virtual connections.

Please use the file. htaccess with the following content:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER } ! ^http(s)?://(www.)? [NC]

RewriteRule ! antiddos.phtml{REQUEST_URI} [QSA]

Then you create another file antiddos.phtml with the following content:



$text = preg_replace (“# php &#si”,’ php ? ‘,$ text);

echo(‘<center><ahref= ‘.$ text.’>;<fontcolor=red size=5 face=Monotype>[CLICK HERE TO ENTER]</font>< /a</center>’);


Finally, you upload these 2 files to the original website to complete.

Anti DDoS for VPS

Virtual servers (VPS) have a smaller amount of resources, so DDoS attacks on virtual servers are easier to succeed. Therefore, the use of the_Anti-DDoS VPS_ service is extremely important.

  • Use Hard Firewall to prevent DDoS for VPS

The server’s firewall has an anti- DDoS feature for VPS, which is open-source software that helps protect websites and blocks all medium-sized attacks. Besides, to increase the security level of the Firewall you need to upgrade the power of the Server such as RAM, CPU, SS, Network Port,…

  • Use a soft Firewall to prevent DDoS for VPS

Using a soft Firewall on a virtual server (VPS) only helps you Anti DDoS VPS by blocking IP if that IP sends too many requests to your virtual server. However, the option will not work if you are renting Hosting.

  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

CDN will help you hide the server’s IP address from hackers’ detection so bad guys won’t know the IP of your original server. In addition, CDN also helps reduce DDoS attacks by distributing traffic to the server to split handling small traffic.

Proxy Anti DDoS

Proxy is known as a bridge between the user and the Internet. Acts as firewall and website filter.

Anti DDoS Proxy provides filtering of data (filter traffic) for Layer 3, Layer 4, and Layer 7 network layers. Filters will be placed between servers with the ability to thwart attacks at the upper network layers. generated by attackers. Proxy Anti DDoS also extends the ability to filter out malicious traffic from the following types of attacks: UDP Attacks, TCP SYN Flood, SYN-ACK Reflection Attacks, ICMP Attacks, DNS Amplification Attacks, HTTP Attacks… But to use To get this service, businesses need to rent VPS/Server at the service provider.

How VNIS deploys Anti-DDoS solution for VPS

VNIS is a comprehensive solution to help Anti DDoS for VPS of businesses. Including comprehensive Anti-DDoS features for Layer 3/4/7, attack traffic load up to 2,600Tpbs, and top 10 OWASP security vulnerabilities. Integrated Multi CDN technology ensures continuous operation even under attack.

In particular, VNIS also developed a RUM (Real User Monitoring) system in collaboration with AI Load Balancing technology to help coordinate traffic and monitor and detect abnormal traffic to prevent targeted attacks. The SOC (Security Operation Center) monitoring system with a team of network security engineers is always ready to support you 24/7, detect attacks in time and handle them quickly.

Even if you use any VPS service at any provider, you can still integrate VNIS to help Anti DDoS VPS. To start using the service, you can register for an account, choose a service package, or directly contact our quick support hotline at: (028) 7306 8789.

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