
Mail Security: Protect business email against Zero-day attacks

Latest Update: 12/10/2023

Mail Security: Protect business email against Zero-day attacks

Zero-day attack tools are becoming more and more popular and dangerous for businesses. The term “Zero-day” is used to describe unidentified or unrecovered security vulnerabilities in software or applications. To protect your business against unexpected Zero-day attacks, you need to ensure mail security because email is the route that crooks often use to enter the system. Here are some measures businesses should take to prevent companies from exploiting Zero-day vulnerabilities.

The company exploits the Zero-day vulnerability that often occurs without users even knowing it. We have to bring greater damage to businesses such as reduced productivity, data leaks, system downtime, or weight loss as reputational damage.

When drunk prevents Zero-day attacks, defense is the best protection configuration. An inadequate security email system is one of the possible reasons for entering a business. It’s important for businesses to make sure that the secure email of their systems cannot become an open door for thieves! Email security is the most effective method against Zero-day attacks and other attack threats.

What are Zero-day attacks and how do they work?

email security

Hackers perform a Zero-day attack by entering the system through a vulnerability that the developers do not have the facility to fix. Zero-day attack tools are especially dangerous because only hackers know the system is entered. Once goods enter the system, criminals can attack immediately or wait for priority points to execute.

There are many ways to implement a zero-day exploit company. Usually, we will use malware (malware) to attack when we find a vulnerability. Malware is often sent via email and downloaded when a user uses a malicious link or attachment.

Once downloaded, the malware accesses the company’s files, flagging secrets such as social security numbers, login credentials, and passwords. Business plans and trade secrets are at a very high risk of being marked. Any information that can be used or sold is an attractive target for Zero-day. Zero-day malware used more than 50% of all malware blocked in Q3 2020, a 14% increase year-over-year.

  • Who is the target of Zero-day?

Although Zero-day attacks often target well-known businesses and mainstream governments, no organization is truly safe from this threat. In fact, small and medium businesses can suffer the consequences of zero-day work more than large organizations. The reason is that small and medium businesses are often not fully equipped with mail security solutions, Gmail security, or a network security team with limited financial resources.

These Zero-day vulnerabilities are in fact very valuable and are used not only by hackers but also by national spies and security researchers working for the NSA and US Cyber Command. This thing was helping to a market shopping and sell the gap Zero-day, largely requested from major government notification agencies. Zero-day markets are of three types: black markets, white markets (including bugs looking for reward programs and research security), and a “gray” market that looks for researchers and selling companies. Zero-day vulnerability information for the military, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement.

  • Famous Zero-day attacks

Stuxnet : This was an attack on Iran’s uranium plant at Natanz. The US and Israel create a virus to exploit Zero-day vulnerabilities and gain access to systems. Stuxnet was accidentally spread when an engineer working at the infected facility connected his laptop to the home network. More than 15 Iranian facilities were hacked and compromised by Stuxnet and caused significant damage to Iran’s nuclear program.

Aurora : In 2010, Chinese hackers used a Zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer to infiltrate Google, Adobe, and dozens of other companies. Criminals target Google’s source code in hopes of deploying more zero-day attacks.

RSA : In this notorious 2011 attack, cybercriminals exploited a Zero-day vulnerability in Adobe’s Flash player. They launched an online phishing campaign targeting RSA employees. The attackers stole information related to the company’s SecurID two-factor authentication product.

Methods to prevent Zero-day attacks

Zero-day is one of the hardest digital attacks to prevent. However, the following methods will reduce the chances of your company falling victim to a Zero-day attack:

email gateway

Use a smart email security solution : Traditional anti-virus software usually only combats known threats. As a result, they are often ineffective in protecting businesses against zero-day attacks. When it comes to detecting and preventing Zero-day attacks, every second and every minute counts! Only the most advanced and proactive security solutions can prevent Zero-day attacks. Advanced AI and heuristics techniques are capable of finding anomalies that are not detected by the user or application. Later cybersecurity solutions can generate fixes using AI and install them quickly and efficiently. Investing in a high-quality email security solution will better protect your business from Zero-day attacks.

Educate users: Many Zero-day attacks take advantage of human error. Therefore, user education is essential in preventing these behaviors. Training employees and users in good security habits will keep them safe online. Also, protect your business from Zero-day exploits and other digital threats.

Get a firewall in place: Deploying a web application firewall or email security gateway will help your company respond to threats in real-time. Web application firewalls, email firewalls continuously scan incoming data for threats, providing organizations with the information they need to stop the suspicious activity and avoid impending attacks.

Implement access control: Access control helps prevent unauthorized access to your network. Reduces the risk of attacks, exploits, and intrusions.

Use IPsec: IPsec encrypts and authenticates all access to the network, allowing the system to quickly identify and isolate suspicious access. With this information, businesses have a better chance of recognizing and preventing attacks before damage occurs.

Mail Gate EG Platform - Mail Security Solution for Business

Equipping an email firewall is one of the most effective ways to prevent Zero-day attacks. VNETWORK Mail Gateway EG Platform will protect businesses from all kinds of malicious threats. Our Mail Gateway is built on AI and Machine Learning technologies for advanced detection of malicious actors, which are not yet available on the market. A smart and proactive mail security solution is something that any business needs to equip. The features that make the Mail Gateway EG Platform different are the ReceiveGUARD and SendGUARD protection layers:


  • AI technology will check the contents of the email and report the security level of the incoming mail.
  • Detect fake emails with domain names similar to real emails that users can hardly recognize.
  • Send & Receive Route Tracking detects when email route is changed and alerts recipients.
  • The system checks attachments for malicious code and analyzes URLs, nested links in the email content. Don’t worry your email security system will ignore new malicious actors as Virtual Zones will score emails based on their own criteria.
  • Filter spam emails by lists of international organizations such as Spamhaus, spamcop, surriel, spamrat,…


  • Isolate infected email addresses with user lockout. In case an employee’s computer is infected with a virus, they can proceed to send mail to other users.
  • Install virus/malware filters for emails operating on behalf of the company. Ensure the reputation of the business in the eyes of partners.
  • Skip worries about information security thanks to Mail server access logs (IP, date, …). Enterprises can therefore control and ensure the security of sensitive information.
  • Control outgoing email flow and prevent hackers from reading outgoing emails
  • If the destination is a fake email or a hacker account, the system will warn you immediately. Help prevent insider theft and respond to phishing emails.
  • Businesses can customize their email security policy with group admin approval, set up a receiving list, and control sensitive keywords to help secure information for businesses.
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